필수과목 각 4학점
IS701 Methods of Social Research
IS702 Qualitative Research
Core Courses
IS711 Theory and Strategy in Cross-Cultural Studies
IS721 Social Anthropology for Ministry
IS722 Culture and Transformation
Choose one of the following
IS714 Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation
IS723 Teaching Across Cultures
IS732 Biblical Theology and Culture
IS733 Essentials of Reformed Theology
IS803 Dissertation Proposal
IS804 Dissertation Writing
* IS741 Comprehensive Exam Preparation 2학점
아래 과목 중 3개 선택
IS712 Methods of Church Planting
IS713 History of the Expansion of Christianity
IS714 Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation
IS723 Teaching Across Cultures
IS724 Religion and Society
IS730 Principles of Contextualization
IS731 Theology of Mission and Evangelism
IS740 Contemporary Issues in Intercultural Studies
IS811 Developing an Annotated Bibliography
IS812 Developing a Literature Review
교차문화학 철학박사학위 (PhD)는 최소한 44학점(필수과목 32학점, 선택과목 12학점)의 교과 과정을 평점 3.3 이상으로 마쳐야 하며, 10학점에 해당하는 논문자격시험과 논문을 통과해야 졸업자격이 된다.
최소 학점의 취득이 자동적으로 졸업을 보장하는 것은 아니며, Candidates 은 IRUS의 신앙고백과 사역 능력, 기독교인으로서의 자질을 보여야 한다.,