Master of Arts in Christian Studies
The Master Arts in Christian Studies degree program prepares students for attaining biblical and theological foundations and being church leaders. This program is designed primarily for lay leaders, administrations or missionaries who desire training so as to better serve within their churches, parachurch organization, and/or mission fields. Students may be qualified to pursue a graduate program in pastoral ministry, including the M.Div. program.
The Master of Arts in Christian Studies degree program offers the following outcomes.
Students will be able to:
explain the core teachings of Reformed Theology and compare them with other teachings of theology.
interpret core biblical characters, events, and topics using the Bible as the primary source and explain the biblical principles
identify the core principles of biblical leadership and develop healthy, personal relationships with God in their lives
explore the core ministry skills for clergy ministry and demonstrate such skills while instructing others.
explore cultural and global issues involved in church ministry and missionary endeavors in an ever-changing world.
Students receive the M.A.C.S degree when they complete a minimum of 56 semester units:
1. Old Testament (9 Units)
2. New Testament (9 Units)
3. Systematic Theology (9 Units)
4. Historical Theology (9 Units)
5. Christian Formation & Ministry (9 Units)
6. Electives (9 units)
7. Internship I & II (1 unit each)
The last 28 Units must be taken at IRUS.
A minimum full-time course load is 9 units per semester. A maximum full-time load is 15 units per semester; however, students may petition for additional units if their cumulative average is 3.0 or higher.
Official classification is based on the number of units completed toward graduation as follows: 1st-year students 0-26; sophomores 27-56.
The following are the course requirements for the M.A.C.S.
Course Requirements
1. Old Testament (9 Units Minimum)
OT 501 Hebrew (3 units)
OT 505 Introduction to the Old Testament* (3 units)
OT 510 Pentateuch* (3 units)
OT 610 Historical Books (3 units)
OT 620 Poetic Books (3 units)
OT 625 Psalms (3 units)
OT 630 Prophetical Books* (3 units)
OT 631 Old Testament Exegesis (3 units)
OT 632 Old Testament Theology (3 units)
2. New Testament (9 Units Minimum)
NT 501 Greek (3 units)
NT 504 Gospels (3 units)
NT 505 Introduction to the New Testament* (3 units)
NT 602 Pauline Theology* (3 units)
NT 605 Biblical Hermeneutics (3 units)
NT 610 New Testament Theology (3 units)
NT 611 General Epistles and Revelation* (3 units)
NT 612 New Testament Exegesis (3 units)
NT 614 Parables of Jesus (3 units)
NT 615 Gospel of John (3 units)
NT 616 Romans (3 units)
NT617 Acts (3 units)
3. Systematic Theology (9 Units Minimum)
ST 501 Prolegomena and Theology Proper* (3 units)
ST 505 Anthropology and Christology* (3 units)
ST 602 Pneumatology and Soteriology* (3 units)
ST 604 Apologetics (3 units)
ST 605 Ecclesiology and Eschatology (3 units)
ST 606 Christian Ethics (3 units)
ST 607 Cultsand Sects (3 units)
ST 608 Christian Philosophy (3 units)
ST 611 Institutes of Christian Religion (3 units)
ST 612 Westminster Confession of Faith (3 units)
4. Historical Theology (9 Units Minimum)
HT 501 Early Church (3 units)
HT 502 Medieval Church and Reformation Period* (3 units)
HT 601 History of American and Korean Presbyterian Church (3 units)
HT 602 Theology of John Calvin* (3 units)
HT 603 Modern Church and Theology (3 units)
HT 604 Puritanism (3 units)
HT 605 History of Christian Doctrine* (3 units)
5. Christian Formation & Ministry (9 Units Minimum)
LD501 Biblical Leadership* (3 units)
LD502 Spiritual Formation (3 units)
LD511 Leadership and Diversity: Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity (3 units)
MN511 Pastoral Counseling (3 units)
MN512 Christian Education* (3 units)
MN513 Biblical Inner Healing (3 units)
MN521 Theology of Ministry and Administration (3 units)
MN531 Introduction to Church Music (3 units)
MN601 Preaching I (3 units)
MN602 Preaching II (3 units)
MN603 Worship and Liturgy (3 units)
MN604 Church Polity (3 units)
MS601 Missions* (3 units)
MS602 Ministry and Culture (3 units)
MS603 Globalization, the Poor, and Christian Mission (3 units)
MS604 Evangelism and Church Planting (3 units)
MS605 Theology 0f God’s Image and Missions (3 units)
MS606 Trends in Global Christianity (3 units)
MS607 Transforming Contemporary Cultures (3 units)
6. Internship (2 units)
MN611-2 Pastoral Internship I*, II* (2 units)
Total Degree Units - 56 units