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Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies


The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies degree program prepares students for building biblical faith and forming biblical and theological foundations. This program cultivates the lay leaders for having a biblical worldview and being the salt and light in the world. Students may be qualified to pursue graduate programs in theology, including the M.A.C.S. and M.Div. programs.




The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies degree program enables students to:

  1. recognize core teachings of Reformed Theology.  

  2. describe core biblical characters, events, and topics using the Bible as the primary source and to discover the biblical principles. d

  3. identify core biblical leadership principles and develop healthy, personal relationships with God in their lives.  

  4. be prepared to enter the lay ministry. 

  5. recognize God’s passion for the Mission and develop a passion for the Mission field.



A minimum of 120 semester units:

1. General education requirements (36 units) 

2. Biblical-theological requirements (42 units)

3. Practical education requirements (18 units) 

4. Common Electives (24 units)

The last 30 Units must be taken at IRUS.

A minimum full-time course load is 12 units per semester. A maximum full-time load is 18 units per semester; however, students may petition for additional units if their cumulative average is 3.0 or higher.




The following are the course requirements for the B.A.C.S.


1. General Education (36 Units Minimum)

GE 101 Research and Writing (3 Units)

GE105 Korean I (3 Units)

GE 201 Introduction to Philosophy* (3 Units)

GE 202 Science and Creation* (3 Units)

GE 203 World Civilization* (3 Units)

GE 205 Korean II (3 Units)

GE 210 Introduction to Psychology* (3 Units)

GE 215 Ethics* (3 Units) 

GE 301 Cultural Anthropology* (3 Units)

GE 303 World History I* (3 Units)

GE 304 World History II (3 Units)

GE 402 Introduction to English Literature (3 Units)

GE 403 Introduction to Art (3 Units)

GE 404 Introduction to Economics (3 Units)

GE 405 Introduction to Education and Teaching (3 Units)

GE 412 Introduction to Sociology* (3 Units)

GE 495 Basic Computer Skills (3 Units)

GE 496 Speech and Communication* (3 Units)

*Required subjects


2. Biblical and Theological Studies (42 Units Minimum)

BN 100 New Testament Survey I* (3 Units)

BN 201 New Testament Survey II* (3 Units)

BN 205 Luke (3 Units)

BN 210 Acts (3 Units)

BN 220 Corinthians I & II (3 Units)

BN 225 Hebrews (3 Units)

BN 404 Romans (3 Units)

BO 101 Old Testament Survey I* (3 Units)

BO 102 Old Testament Survey II* (3 Units)

BO 205 Genesis (3 Units)

BO 215 Samuel I & II (3 Units)

BO 220 Isaiah (3 Units)

BO 225 Hosea (3 Units)

BO 401 Psalms (3 Units)

BH 300 Korean Church History* (3 Units)

BH 410 Puritanism (3 Units)

BT 100 Systematic Theology I* (3 Units)

BT 205 Systematic Theology II* (3 Units)

BT 320 Christian World View* (3 Units)

BT 407 Reformed Theology I* (3 Units)

BT 408 Reformed Theology II* (3 Units)

BT 430 Cults (3 Units)

BT 450 The Westminster Confession of Faith (3 Units)

*Required subjects


3. Practical Education (18 Units Minimum)

BP 110 Introduction to Missions* (3 Units)

BP 150 Personal Evangelism (3 Units)

BP 210 Christian Education* (3 Units)

BP 311 Principles of Marriage and Family (3 Units)

BP 320 Biblical Leadership* (3 Units)

BP 340 Worship (3 Units)

BP 405 Spiritual Theology (3 Units) 

Christian Services I-VI

*Required subjects


Total Degree Units: 120

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