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도서관 운영시간

학 기 중   :  9:00 A.M. - 7:30 P.M.

방학기간 : 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

도서관 휴관일

법정 공휴일 (New Year's Day, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving)


• In-person Reference: Fri 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 

• Email:

• Library Guide: IRUS Library Guide

• Suggestions and comments

• Book Requests

• Library Newsletter 




The mission of the International Reformed University & Seminary Library is to provide students, faculty, and staff with print/online resources, research tools, and study environment necessary to support their biblical studies in higher education. This mission is supported by the following objectives:

  1. To curate a comprehensive collection of print and online resources that support curriculum accessible to all members of the academic community

  2. To empower students and faculty in their scholarly research by providing research tools and services and enhancing their information literacy skills

  3. To create a welcoming and conducive study environment within the library that fosters individual and collaborative learning.

  4. To actively collaborate with faculty to integrate library resources into the curriculum and course materials.

  5. To conduct regular assessments of library services, collections, and spaces to ensure they align with the needs and expectations of the academic community

Library Handbook

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